Yearly Medicals
Circular (25/14) advised members on how to protect their personal medical records and reiterated the fact that we did not consider such medicals as a change to Conditions of Service.
However, we have subsequently received confirmation that the annual assessment guidelines are being exceeded and have asked for immediate suspension of those medicals. Nevertheless, we would not advise any member to refuse to attend a medical or complete a questionnaire as it may lead to your removal from firearms and possibly being the subject of a misconduct investigation.
Consequently, you are advised to attach the following annotation to your medical questionnaire prior to submitting or, if you have already submitted it, to forward a new questionnaire containing this wording and seeking the immediate return of the previous submission – you are entitled to withdraw/amend your consent at any time.
“I note the request for me to submit to a medical examination. You will appreciate that I have duties under health and safety legislation as does the Service such that it is important that any medical report and processes surrounding its gathering are shared with me.
For the same reason it is clearly necessary that any medical issues referred to in any report which may impact on my ability to comply with those statutory health and safety duties is fully discussed with me and acted upon as appropriate.
In addition, I am informed that the established position in the Police Service is that selection for medical examinations is risk based and attendance is voluntary. In addition I understand there have been concerns about the arrangements for examinations being inappropriate whilst neither the process nor the detail of the examinations have been agreed with the DPF on my behalf.
That being the position I confirm that I will be in a position to consider volunteering for a medical examination once these matters have been resolved and I will take guidance from the DPF in that respect.”
Any refusal to amend your submission accordingly should be reported to your Area Secretary without delay.
John Regan
General SecretaryÂ