Membership Benefits
Welfare is our priority
The Defence Police Federation places great importance on ensuring the welfare of its members. To meet the needs of members who require financial assistance because of some misfortune, illness or accident, the NEC may at their discretion award a grant.
The PFOA (membership included in your DPF subscriptions) provides a 24 hour help-line. The number for the Support Line is: 0808 164 2622 – Option 1 For assistance including in the moment support Option 2 For the 24/7 GP Option 3 For any other PFOA related enquiries
In the event of the death of a member either ‘in service’ or within 12 months of retirement, the member’s nominated ‘next of kin’ is eligible for the payment of a ‘Death Benefit.’
Legal & Misconduct cases: A helping hand
As public servants and police officers, the men and women that the Federation represents are subject to rigorous conduct and performance regulations. Policing is a very responsible job and any hint of malpractice by a police officer is a serious matter. By and large, there is never any suggestion that MDP officers fail to meet these high standards. However, occasionally a member may come under suspicion for a breach of the law or discipline. In such an unfortunate event, the Federation is here to help.
Should a member be placed under investigation for a misconduct or performance matter, the Federation offers advice from the outset. The first point of contact is the Area Secretary who will arrange the appointment of a ‘Friend’. The role of the ‘Friend’ is to advise and assist the member under investigation throughout the process. The rules allow for any officer to be appointed to this role, but the Federation has a number of ‘Accredited Friends’ with a wealth of knowledge and experience of these matters. The Federation organises seminars and training courses to ensure that these ‘Friends’ provide the best possible support to its members. In this way, a member is able to be represented at a hearing by a specialist. In more serious cases, or cases of a criminal nature, the Federation will provide a solicitor whose costs will be met by the Federation. The Federation utilises an insurance which covers the costs of legal expenses and instructs solicitors and counsel from leading firms nationally. Our solicitors have branches nationwide and close links that have been forged over the years between their offices and the Federation’s branches.
If a member is arrested, then a call via CCR will ensure that the on-call DPF official is informed immediately, regardless of the time of day. This route should only be utilised in emergencies and during silent hours. In normal working times DPF HQ will assist on 0203 176 6509.
Apart from cases of conduct or performance, Federation members may apply for FREE legal advice on any matter related to their employment and, in special cases, on matters not related to work. This will be assessed by the National Executive Committee, and DPF HQ may appoint a solicitor to assist.
Disciplinary action can have severe consequences for officers. The Federation therefore does its utmost to help. In particular, we are committed to fighting instances of obvious injustice and discrimination. We have a strong track record in this aspect of our work and we have full confidence in the services available to our members.
Members can access more detailed guidance and the necessary forms for completion here.
Protection and assistance for you and your family away from work
Federation members and their families can benefit from extended legal services covering:
- Free personal injury service – contact Thompsons Solicitors on 0800 587 7520.
- Free wills service.
- Low-cost conveyancing.
This provides peace of mind knowing that whatever your problem is, there is always a highly trained Federation representative to offer help and advice.
A channel to put your views into action
As a Federation member you have the opportunity to put your views, ideas, frustrations and proposals on work-related matters or policy to the highly skilled Federation Officials for consideration and, if appropriate, negotiation with the official side.
The DPF are also members of the European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) who are an umbrella organisation for 30 police unions and staff organisations in Europe. EuroCOP is a non-profit organisation representing the voice of European police officers. Striving to protect the rights, safety, values, and position in society of European police officers.