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Our Objectives

The Federation’s constitution lists the organisation’s main aims. These are:

  • To protect and improve the conditions of employment of its members.
  • To raise the status of the MoD’s police force and to enhance its efficiency.
  • To offer a welfare service to Federation members.
  • To provide members with legal advice and assistance on matters arising from their employment.
  • To make available to members a wide range of benefits and other services including insurance.
  • To maintain liaisons with representative bodies of other police services, when this is judged to be in the best interests of members.

A professional Federation for a professional Force

The Ministry of Defence Police is a body of professionals, trained to exacting standards with a high level of skills and competence. The Ministry of Defence Police provides excellent value for money in their service to both the Ministry of Defence and the nation. We believe that the officers that we represent have every right to expect the same qualities from us, their Federation: high standards of professionalism, skills and training, thus providing our members with value for money. As the Force constantly evolves, adapting to change and new challenges, so, we believe, should the Federation.

Read the DPF 'Statement of Purpose'
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