As you will be aware the DPF Annual Conference will be held on the 8th – 9th June 2016 at the Hilton Hotel Stansted.
This is your opportunity to raise motions/resolutions from your respective branches during the Conference.
It would assist the smooth running of Conference, if any proposed motions/resolutions can be forwarded to DPFHQ soonest.
This will allow CASOC to ensure that any proposed motion is competent. Any motion being presented this year must not have been presented and defeated within the last three years.
To assist you the motions, and results, for 2013, 2014 and 2015 are on the DPF website.
Motions will be accepted from the floor on the day, but you are still advised to research any proposal prior by referring to the DPF website.
The motion will, of course, need to be proposed and seconded to be heard.