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Bullying and Harassment Revision

By DPF Admin22nd December 2015August 6th, 2019Area Updates, Circulars, Latest News, Northern Updates, Southern Updates

Circular 58/15

Dear Members,

As part of the revision of the bullying and harassment policy, Supt FOULGER Head of PSD has invited the Federation to forward the experiences of our members with those policies.

We would wish to take him up on his offer.

It is very important to our mind that members have confidence in these proceedings, common concerns known to us are, inordinately lengthy time scales that devalue the process, and poor standards of investigation. 

Therefore, we would ask our members or representatives / force contact officers who have used the MDP procedures to please write in using our contact us link on the DPF web site, with your experiences both good and bad, how do you believe the procedures can be improved or are they right? Please title your return “Bullying and Harassment response”.

For ease of use, please use this link –

All replies will be treated in confidence that is unless you say to the contrary no names will be divulged.

These procedures are in our view important and we genuinely believe that Supt. FOULGER offer is sincere. So please get involved.

Any rep who is assisting a member with their complaint please encourage them to respond.


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