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Changes to DPF National Executive Committee

By DPF Admin17th June 2016March 4th, 2024Area Updates, Circulars, Latest News, Northern Updates, Southern Updates

Circular 35/16

17th June 2016

Changes to DPF National Executive Committee

You are advised of the following changes to the DPF National Executive Committee (NEC).

Mr Peter Clout has announced his decision to stand down from his post of Temporary General Secretary. The vacancy for a General Secretary will be advertised in the near future; in the meantime Mr Clout will remain in this role until a replacement has been appointed.

Mr Mitch Batt (northern area) did not seek re-election to the NEC and has been replaced by election, by Mr Paul Dennett from RAF Menwith Hill.

Mr Guy Hibbert (HMNB Portsmouth / southern area member) replaced upon election, the vacancy left by the resignation of Mr Mick Ruck.

The NEC of the DPF comprises of the following members:

Mr Eamon KEATING           National Chairman

VACANT                              General Secretary

Mr James GILLEN               National Vice Chairman

Mr David PAWLEY               SSG (Southern Area)

Mr Des KENNEDY               SSG (Northern Area)

Mr Paul DENNETT              RAF Menwith Hill (Northern Area)

Mr John COLVAN                 Coulport (Northern Area)

Mr Guy HIBBERT                 HMNB Portsmouth (Southern Area)

Mr Noel COLLINS                AWE Aldermaston (Southern Area)

Mrs Karen McKEOWN        Area Secretary (Northern Area)

Mr Terry TUPLIN                  Area Secretary (Southern Area)

DPF Head Office

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