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Election of National Vice Chairman

By DPF Admin24th November 2017March 5th, 2024Area Updates, Circulars, Latest News, Northern Updates, Southern Updates

To All Members

24th November 2017

Circular 40/17


DPF Circular 31/17 (dated 25th October 2017) informed the membership of the requirement to elect a new National Vice Chairman.

In accordance with Rule 11 (v) of the Rules and Constitution of the Defence Police Federation a ballot of the membership therefore ensued. This ballot is now concluded and of the votes cast the result stands as follows:

Noel Collins – 40%

John Colvan – 60%

Mr John Colvan is therefore duly elected as the National Vice Chairman of the DPF with five years tenure of office and, also in accordance with Rule 11 (v), ceases to be a member of the NEC in his former capacity.

The DPF would therefore like to take this opportunity to extend its congratulations to John. Similarly, we would also like to take this opportunity to extend commiserations to Noel Collins on this occasion, but nevertheless thank him for his willingness to partake in the first instance and for his continued work with the Federation.

Eamon Keating

National Chairman

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