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Election to the National Executive Committee

By DPF Admin9th August 2024August 16th, 2024Circulars, Latest News

To All Members

Circular 27/24


At the Defence Police Federation Annual Conference, scheduled for November 20th to 22nd 2024, there will be an election to the National Executive Committee.

Currently, there is one anticipated vacancy for the Southern Area.

The successful candidate in the election will have a 2-year tenure of office commencing at the Annual Conference 2024 and ending in November 2026.

The eligibility criteria for election to the National Executive Committee are laid out in Rule 9 (a) of the DPF Rules & Constitution (2023 version) which states.

Rule 9 – Election to the National Executive Committee

(a) Unless otherwise resolved by Annual Conference for that Year, to stand for election to the National Executive Committee a member must:

  1. (i)  Befullypaidupandhaveatleastthreeyearsunbrokenmembershipatthetime of nomination: and
  2. (ii)  Have served at least one year’s membership as a Branch Representative.

Should any DPF member, who meets the qualifying criteria, wish to stand for election please contact either:(a) CASOC (Conference Arrangements & Standing Orders Committee) – using the following email address –

OR (b) DPF HQ – using the following email addresses – or

to request a formal Nomination Form and confirming that you meet the eligibility criteria.

There are strict deadlines to follow with regard to the election process and all requests for Nomination Forms must be received by CASOC or by DPF HQ no later than 1700hrs on Friday 06th September 2024.


Any prospective candidate will then have until 1700hrs on Friday 18th October 2024 to submit the required Nomination Form and a short Federation career biography (maximum of 500 words).

Voting for this vacancy on the National Executive Committee is restricted to the Southern Area Branch Representatives who will be attending the Annual Conference 2024.

Should anyone have any questions regarding this matter please contact either CASOC, DPF HQ or the Southern Area Secretary.

This is your opportunity to be at the very heart of Defence Police Federation policy making where you will be dealing directly with the biggest issues that face the Federation and its membership.

YOU can make a difference.


Circular Issued 09.08.2024 

Reminder Issued 16.08.2024

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