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Legal Assistance

The CCR will contact the duty DPF National Officer who will ensure that a Solicitor is appointed.

Legal Assistance

If a member is arrested on suspicion of a criminal offence, he/she will be taken to a Designated Police Station where detention may be authorised. During the booking in process the member should contact the DPF HQ on 0203 176 6511 or 6512. During silent hours – contact FCR on 01436 674321 option 1 extension 3805 for assistance regardless of the time of day.

The FCR will contact the duty DPF National Officer who will ensure that a Solicitor is appointed.

The member arrested should not discuss anything regarding the allegation with any person other than the DPF National Officer or the Solicitor when he/she arrives at the Police Station.

The Federation instructs solicitors and counsel from leading firms nationally. Our solicitors have branches nationwide and close links that have been forged over the years between their offices and the Federation’s branches. To ensure that legal representation is fully endorsed by the NEC the member is required to complete and submit a PAR 1 Form at the earliest opportunity.

Irrespective of whether the member is charged or not, PSD may well desire to further investigate the matter and this may lead to Misconduct proceedings being instigated.

Annual Conference

Any member of the Defence Police Federation is entitled to attend the Annual Conference as a guest at their own expense; however they shall have no voting rights.

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