Circular 55/14 (b)
Holiday Pay Ruling Update
This circular is to advise members that we have attempted to enter into negotiations with the Department on this ruling and its application to our membership, and although willing to discuss the issues, the Department has chosen not to protect our members positions by agreeing the relevant effective date of the application, that being the 4th November 2014.
As such, whilst these negotiations are taking place, members may find themselves time barred from backdated claims and as such we have had to take forward those cases advised to us, to ACAS and then potentially to Employment Tribunal if Early Conciliation is not successful.
As such, member’s attention is drawn again to DPF circular 55/14 (a). If you have not yet supplied the information necessary and believe you are affected by this then you must do so with some urgency.
This ruling only applies to the first 20 days of leave in any leave year, but if you believe that you have leave that falls into the categories set out in this circular, please contact the DPF and follow the process laid down in circular 55/14 (a).
It is extremely disappointing that we have to take this action, but due to the Departments refusal to protect our members claims internally we have no other alternative.
Eamon Keating
National Chairman