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Lifetime Achievement Award for Chief Inspector who ‘loved every minute’ of his long career

By DPF Admin22nd November 2021February 7th, 2022Latest News

A Ministry of Defence Police Chief Inspector who ‘loved every minute’ of his long career has won The Defence Police Federation’s first ever Lifetime Achievement Award.

Chief Inspector Melvin (Mel) Goudie retired from the force in April 2020 after 39 and a half years of dedicated service.

Mel received his Award at a glittering Awards Ceremony in Southampton on November 17, which also marked the 50th Anniversary of the Defence Police Federation.

Mel joined the Ministry of Defence Police on the 6th October 1980 at RNAD Coulport.

He served there for five years having carried out general policing, dog handling and CID duties. Five years later he was promoted and moved to the then HMNB Rosyth (now HMS Caledonia) as a Shift Sergeant.

Mel’s career continued to flourish, and it was here that he developed his interest in firearms.

In September 1990, Mel moved to the then firearms training wing at PTC Medmenham, where he spent three years as training Sergeant, before moving to FTC Wethersfield as the training manager within firearms. During his time at Medmenham, he was instrumental in the acquisition and training of the SA80 to the force.

In 1996, Mel transferred to RO Radway Green which was to be the first of his three appointments as an SPO, the others being US Navy London in 2005 and latterly RAF Fylingdales in 2014.

In between Radway Green and US Navy London, Mel was serial commander with the Operational Support Unit when he was deployed on many operations including the solar eclipse in 1999.

He is also well known for overseas missions and his attachment to the International Policing & Secondments Office. In total Mel has represented the force in Kosovo (UN and EU), Iraq (Baghdad), Afghanistan (Op Herrick) and finally as Chief of Operations with the Gibraltar Defence Police. In between these secondments, he was deputy and head of the Afghanistan Policing Unit.

As a result of his work in Baghdad, Mel was nominated and won the Daily Record Emergency Services Hero of the Year Award.

He leaves the service with 39 years’ worth of good memories he said.

“I can probably count on one hand what I would consider bad days in those 39 and a half years. I have loved every minute of my career,” Mel said.

“I’ve put as much as I could into it and every establishment I’ve worked on, both at home and abroad, there’s always been a new challenge every few years.

“I think probably five years is the most I was ever in any post and then looked for a new challenge. I’ve got memories everywhere!

“The day I signed up, I knew I was signing up for a lifetime, and I’ve had a brilliant lifetime,” Mel added.

“When Eamon wrote to me [about the award] I was absolutely gobsmacked. I don’t think I’ve done anything special. Doreen and I are just absolutely overwhelmed and over the moon at getting nominated. “

Eamon Keating, Defence Police Federation Chairman, said Mel had been an outstanding servant to the force.

“What a fantastic achievement to have spent so long in service and what a career he has had. He has always done his absolute best for the MDP and its officers, and it’s been a pleasure to work with him.

“He has actively encouraged others to pursue their careers assisting in their development, through advice and mentorship. He’s a very worthy winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award.”

The Awards were sponsored by Serve and Protect Credit Union, Uniform Mortgages, Axon, No 1 CopperPot Credit Union, Niche Technology, KM Law, Blackfords and Police Mutual.

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