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Radiological Protective Equipment Issues – Update

By DPF Admin6th December 2013March 4th, 2024Circulars, Latest News

This is to update members as to the position in relation to the provision of Radiological Protective Equipment and training for officers working in radiological environments.

Circular 54/13, which was issued on the 29th November 2013, informed members of our concerns.

Since that time, we have obtained legal advice and engaged with the Force who have moved significantly towards addressing our safety concerns in relation to these provisions.

As such this update is to inform members that we are currently satisfied that this situation is being addressed and are working with the Force to ensure that all of the necessary safeguards, training and equipment are provided to protect our membership.

We will continue to monitor this situation and liaise with our legal advisors on this area, but are satisfied that, if all that has been promised is addressed in the ways identified, then no member is at risk due to a failing from the Force or from their equipment.

It is essential that all of our members have confidence in the equipment and training they receive, especially in relation to protection from these types of hazards and as such this is of the highest priority for the DPF.

We will continue to update you as we receive information.

Eamon Keating


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