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REMINDER: Election of Branch Representatives 2016

By DPF Admin26th October 2016March 5th, 2024Area Updates, Circulars, Latest News, Northern Updates, Southern Updates

REMINDER: Election of Branch Representatives

Further to Circular 62/16

You are politely reminded that it is that time of year when Branches are required, under DPF rules, to hold their Annual General Meetings.  The reason for this is either to re-elect your current Branch Representatives, or indeed elect a new Representative.

Branch Reps represent their members at the DPF Annual Conference, to aid in the timely application of Special Leave, Branch Reps are requested to complete the attached NOT1 form and return to your respective Area Secretary.

We would request that these meetings take place before Christmas.

DCPO members should consider electing an individual Branch Representative to attend Annual Conference.

For those stations who do not currently have a Rep or will be without a Rep for the following year then please consider this very important and vital role within the role of the DPF.

The DPF is only as strong as our membership and representatives.

Your kind assistance in this matter is appreciated, thank you.


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