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Apologies: Patron Jack Aspinall QPM, Steve Love QPM, Albert & Lily Scales, Peter Smith, Harry and Betty Norwood, Mary Appleby, Les Cracknell, Tony Grant, Ian Reid and Johnny Johnson.

Chairman’s Opening Address

The Chairman opened the meeting at 10am welcoming every one present including our guests CCMDP Andy Adams QPM, Mitch Batt, General Secretary of the DPF and Superintendent Sandy Stewart the Force Liaison Officer and in so doing congratulated Mr Adams on his appointment as Chief Constable.

He went on to list the names of those 14 members who had passed on since our last reunion and asked the meeting to stand in silent tribute to their memory.

The Chairman informed the meeting about some of the issues dealt with over the past year some of which were made more difficult by the untimely demise of his predecessor Dave Rogers MBE. He was pleased to say that things are now going smoothly and that he hoped membership would continue to grow and more would attend the reunion. He concluded by reminding the meeting that members can claim 20% discount with Staysure Insurance.

Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting

The minutes of the 2017 meeting were accepted by the members as a true record.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

Secretary’s Report

The Secretary opened by saying that he was pleased to report that the ROA is continuing to attract new members – 33 since the last Conference, which bodes well for the future of the organisation. New members are encouraged to come along to the reunion as it’s a good social gathering which is what it’s all about.

Over this past year he dealt with routine enquires some by telephone but mainly by email covering a variety of subjects including pension queries and on membership. He highlighted a particular problem with the Application Form which had arisen because the Pensions Dept were  continuing to issue old Forms with the previous Membership Secretary’s address resulting in Forms going missing. Thankfully this was resolved with the help of our Liaison Officer.

Since last Conference the Committee met on 3 occasions – November, April and August. Meetings are held centrally in London courtesy of Thompson Solicitors who provide excellent facilities. We are grateful to Solicitor Doug Christie for his assistance with this arrangement.

With regards to communications, items are regularly posted on our website for example, information on membership services, details of the reunion, and sadly all too often Obituaries.  Thanks go to staff at DPF Head Office for their help in updating the site. Secretary drew attention to a recent membership service with the Tax Refund Company and said that 39 members had applied to have their tax reassessed and that todate 7 had received refunds the highest individual amount being £660.

The Newsletter was last published earlier in the year and work is underway on the next one. As said previously it is finding sufficient articles that would be of interest to members to fill the pages that are sometimes the problem. However we will continue to do what we can.

Mentioned was made about the website as a main source of communication and members were encouraged to access it from time to time however it was appreciated that not everyone uses a computer or tablet that said discussions have been held in Committee about making greater use of social media with the help of the Force Liaison Officer.

A related matter on communication that concentrated the mind was the introduction of the new Data Protection legislation.

Having consulted with Solicitors and the Force the view was that we would come under the umbrella of the Mod/MDP Data Protection Policy and an agreement was drawn up between us.

By joining the ROA personal details need to be recorded to allow us to communicate/share information about the Organisation and it is the Force who sends out the Talk Through/Newsletter on our behalf. The Membership Form has been revised to reflect that.

Personal details are held securely and not shared with any ‘Third Party’.

The Secretary concluding his report explaining that any increase to the Civil Service Pension is based on the September CPI figure which is then applied on the Monday following 6thApril each year. This year the increase was 3% and took effect from Monday 9thApril. With the monthly inflation figure continuing to fluctuate the CPI index for August 2018 was 2.4%. The September figure on which next year’s increase is based will be released on 16thOctober.

The Basic State Pension was increased by 3% from April 2018

Treasurer’s Report

Peter Haddock presented his financial report as follows:

Since the 2017 AGM at Bournemouth, the computerisation of ROA financial records had been completed.   The keeping of such records are now subject to the new Data Protection Act 2018.

Accordingly, minimal personal data is now held on the ROA financial records. The prime information source being our Lloyds Bank accounts. The bank is fully compliant with the DPA and information obtained from them is dealt with in strict confidence.

We now have a good working relationship with Lloyds Bank, including electronic access to ROA accounts ensuring that we have an immediate overview of all transactions, concerning our accounts. Whilst sending out voluntary contribution reminders to some of our members, I strongly suggested that they set up either Faster Payment Instructions or Standing Orders, the purpose being to save time, postage and effort in eliminating cheques.

Our financial records for the period 1stApril 2017 to 31stMarch 2018 were taken to our auditors Wilkins Kennedy LLP, on 16thJuly 2018. The audit process was discussed with Peter Haddock, Geoff Heal and the audit team. Once again, the use of electronic mail and provision of a memory stick speeded up this process.

The Audit Statement was provided to the ROA Committee for discussion, approval and signature of our Chairman. It was returned to Wilkins Kennedy for their final approval during early September 2018.  Since then the final approved copies have been returned to the Chairman and me. The Audit Statement has since been reproduced for your AGM pack.

In conclusion, I have revised all of the ROA treasurer’s forms, cutting out duplication, reducing un-necessary printing and waste of stationery.

I will continue to reduce expenditure, improve the collection of contributions, whilst always striving to “balance the books”.

Produced for inspection the Balance Sheet, showing a balance at 12thOctober 2018. Balance after Mercure Hotel payment, £5,755.00p. The 32 Day on Call account balance at 30thSeptember 2018 was £22,228.52p.

The finance report and audited accounts were accepted on the proposal of Lionel Roslyn, seconded by Bill Duncan.  A copy of the audited accounts is held on file.

Increase in Life Membership Fee

It was proposed by the treasurer and seconded by Roger Conner that the Life joining fee be raised to £20.00 for single and £40.00 for double, all were in favour.

ROA Liaison Officer’s Report

The ROA Liaison Officer, Supt Sandy Stewart reported that the use of social media is to be trialled with ROA members. As a way forward the December issue of “Talkthrough” would be sent to all those present who have given their email addresses to the secretary by that means. Those not on-line would receive their copy by post. He also explained that information is available on the MDP Twitter and Facebook pages and encouraged members to engage and follow what was going on in the Force.

Address by CCMDP

Mr Adams reiterated the liaison Officers comments re social media then took questions from the floor. These included questions about ‘COPS’ ceremonies at the National Arboretum, progress on the future of Wethersfield, Infrastructure Policing, shift patterns and comments regarding Graduation Ceremony uniforms.

DPF Report

Mitch Batt, the DPF General Secretary told the meeting that over the last 2 years he had overseen the change of DPF funds to more ethical investments. There is to be a new web site and hopefully a relocation of offices which are rented in London at this time. The pensionable age is still 68 at present although this is subject to judicial review. He also gave details of pay negotiations and answered questions regarding various conditions of service.

Election of Officers

The election of the following officers for 2018/19 then took place.

Chairman:       Geoff Heal proposed by Lynn Nixon, seconded by Muddy Waters.

Vice Chair:      Roger Conner proposed by Bill Duncan, seconded by Richard Pryor.

Secretary:       David King proposed by Lionel Roslyn, seconded by Roger Conner.

Treasurer:       Peter Haddock proposed by Les Gosling, seconded by Nigel Butland.

Asst. Sec:         Ken Hicks proposed by Roger Conner, seconded by Les Gosling.

Member:         John Barber*

Member:         Chris McComb*

Member:         Neville Carter*

Member:         Jenny Heal proposed by Sue Parkes, seconded Marjorie Greenwood

* Elected unopposed ‘en bloc’, proposed by Colin Parry, seconded Lynn Nixon

All above members were elected unopposedand will form the committee for the next twelve months.

Any Other Business

John Taylor enquired as to the possibility of using one central venue for all future annual general meetings. A show of hands was requested which showed a large majority continuing as things are with 3 against.

Gwen King thanked all the members for their continuing support with respect to her fundraising.

Closing Remarks

The Chairman said that next year’s ROA reunion and AGM will be at the Kings Manor Hotel, 100 Milton Road East, Edinburgh, Scotland EH15 2NP, Friday 11thto Monday 14thOctober 2019 @ £240.00 per person.

In concluding, the Chairman thanked the Chief Constable and the DPF Secretary for our continuing excellent relations and assistance given to the ROA Committee and closed the meeting at 12.30pm.

Next AGM/Reunion: 11 – 14 October 2019 at the Kings Manor Hotel, Edinburgh.

Pictures from the 2018 Annual General Meeting

ROA News & Alerts

PSPC Briefing : HM Treasury launches consultation on Public Service pensions Cost-Cap mechanism

Please click below to view further details.


Financial support from The Charity for Civil Servants

Life throws up many challenges, and frequently they go hand in hand with money worries. Particularly at this current time, financial worries can be intertwined with fears around the pandemic.

The Charity can help with all sorts of financial issues, whether your income has suddenly reduced from job loss or ill health, or whether you’re unable to pay for essential items that need replacing. You may have taken the steps to leave a relationship and need to move on, or you may have lost someone and find it hard to cope financially, as well as struggling with bereavement.

They can’t promise to pay for everything you need, but they’ll work with you to understand what they can help with, and look at your individual needs in confidence and without judgement.

For further information about the many ways the Charity can help, take a look at their website or call to speak to an Adviser in confidence on Freephone 0800 056 2424

My Document Locator

The ROA has made available to members a 'My Document Locator' which is produced in the form of a booklet that can be used as a check list of personal documents that records where key personal records, assets and papers can be located in the event of death or incapacity. It is not a Will but simply a check list. The booklet can be downloaded by clicking here.

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