Health and Wellbeing
Please find below wellbeing guides for June:
Helpful Information Hubs:
Force Welfare Officer
The FWO can assist by signposting help and guidance available throughout the Force, MOD and the wider police family. Contact Claire Batt:Â / 01371 854361 or 07595568608.
Police Mutual provide financial guidance and support to serving Police Officers, offering a wealth of information relevant throughout your policing career. A mortgage advice service and specific guidance on your finances and mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus pandemic are also available.
Visit Call 01543 441 630
For You By You
Available to all MDP uniform and non-uniform staff. For You By You have recently launched a wellbeing app with some really great help and guidance.
Defnet Wellbeing page, where a wealth of useful information and guidance, including information on mental fitness, working at home and healthy lifestyles, is provided:
Defnet/HOCS/Pages/Coronavirus wellbeing and mental health