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Wellbeing Guides for June

By DPF Admin13th June 2023Area Updates, Latest News

Please find below wellbeing guides for June from Police Mutual:

Health Eating Week

Healthy eating week, is a great time to think about improving your diet. Poor nutrition and obesity are becoming more common in the UK. According to Public Health England nearly 2/3rds of adults in England are classed as being overweight with more men likely to be in this category than women. Please click the link above to read the full guide.

Men’s Health Week

Wellbeing and health are topics that are often over-looked by men. Men’s Health Week is a great time to think about your overall wellbeing. This year the theme is Men’s Health and the Internet. For more information about the link click here.

Loneliness Awareness Week

We all feel lonely at times, it is a natural emotion. By building a greater awareness and acceptance of loneliness, we can help ourselves to manage the feeling. Loneliness awareness week is hosted by Marmalade Trust. Their aim is to reduce the stigma of loneliness. The aim of this week is to raise awareness of loneliness and to get people talking about it. For more details of the week click here.

Carer’s Week

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers of all ages face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities. For more details click here.

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