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Circular 04.18 – Shift Pattern Consultation

By DPF Admin6th February 2018March 5th, 2024Area Updates, Circulars, Latest News, Northern Updates, Southern Updates

All Members

06th February 2018

This circular is to inform members that the Force has issued a Consultation Document on a proposal to change the current variable shift arrangements. The MDP document, issued on the 06th February 2018 details the Forces case for change, its preference and the reason it believes a change is necessary.

As you are all aware the CCMDP made this a fundamental point during the TACOS negotiations. However, the DPF insisted that any case for change had to be clearly made. Therefore, an agreement was reached which was balloted by the members. For further information, please find attached to this circular, the Annex C, which gives details of the agreement within TACOS on VSA changes.

The MDP has intimated its desire to change and has held workshops to discuss its perceived views, however, since the closure of TACOS, there has been no formal discussion with the DPF on this clearly emotive issue.

The Consultation Document will be supplied to the National Executive of the DPF, the Area Secretaries, who will in turn disseminate to your local Branch Representatives.

DPF would ask all members to engage with their Branch Representatives, and look at the proposal. It is imperative all of your concerns are raised, therefore please pass all of your comments through your reps, who will co-ordinate with the Area Secretaries, the responses for DPF HQ.

The DPF will look to run a national ballot on this issue and a further circular will be promulgated when this has been actioned.

Further information can be found on the DPF website.

Please click the following link:           

Circular 04.18 – Annex C (TACOS Offer Nov 2016)

Mitchel Batt

General Secretary

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