To All Members
Circular 67/16 (d)
Unfortunately we have not received the response we expected on this survey.
Clearly you have all had to submit several responses on VSA’s recently and we understand that this can become arduous, but if we do not manage to obtain the views of a significant number of the membership, this survey and its evidence will be worthless, as it will not represent the majority of our membership.
So far we have had less than 30% of the members respond, and we need more.
The survey will now stay live into the New Year, in the hope that you will all be able to find the 5 minutes necessary to complete it. It can even be done from your phone, so please visit the site and complete the survey. This is the one set of questions directed solely at you our members. Give us the information we need to represent you.
Thank you.
Eamon Keating
National Chairman