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Circular 19.16 Statutory Holiday Pay

By DPF Admin9th February 2016March 4th, 2024Area Updates, Circulars, Latest News, Northern Updates, Southern Updates

Further to Circular 18/16

As previously related, we had hoped to convince the department to produce a Question and Answer document to assist our members with their claims.

We have now been told by MDP HR to advise members to address all queries regarding Statutory Holiday Pay to DBS.

The telephone number to contact DBS is as follows:

(Mil) 933457772 / (Civ) 0800 345 7772

To contact DBS via email, individuals need to go on to the ‘People Services Portal’ on the main Dii page, then click onto ‘Contact Us’ and then choose (from the drop down menu) the subject (in this case, we would suggest it is PAY) in order for the question to reach the correct SME quickly.


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