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Health and Safety Executive – Reporting Portal for Union Reps

By DPF Admin7th November 2014March 4th, 2024Area Updates, Circulars, Latest News, Northern Updates, Southern Updates

To All Members 

7th November 2014

Circular 42/14

HSE – Reporting Portal for Union Reps

The Health and Safety Executive is currently piloting a new reporting portal specifically for Trade Union Health and Safety Representatives.  Under the scheme, appointed Safety Representatives can contact the HSE about something that has either caused, or has the potential to cause, significant harm, by completing a form.

The pilot is the result of requests from Unions to ensure that Safety Representatives have a superior status over the public, when reporting serious Health and Safety concerns to HSE.

We have contacted the HSE who have confirmed that Staff Association Safety Representatives may use this scheme.

DPF appointed Safety Reps should ensure that DPF full time officials are involved in any reporting activity. There is also a requirement that all internal negotiating machinery is exhausted before contacting HSE. Therefore, any Reps who act prematurely could jeopardise this scheme.

Safety Reps and members are reminded that the NEC Safety Portfolio holder is Noel COLLINS who serves at AWE Aldermaston.

For information please visit –

Peter Clout

DPF HQ Secretary

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