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Motions for Annual Conference 2023

By DPF Admin21st April 2023March 6th, 2024Circulars, Latest News

The Defence Police Federation Annual Conference will be held by “virtual” means on Thursday, June 22nd 2023. Full administrative details of the Annual Conference will be announced in the coming weeks.

This DPF Circular is to give you the opportunity to raise Motions from your respective Branches for discussion and debate during the Annual Conference.

It would assist the smooth running of Annual Conference, if any proposed motions can be forwarded to DPF HQ, via email to by no later than May 5th 2023 please. This will allow CASOC (the Conference Arrangements and Standing Orders Committee) to ensure that any proposed Motion is competent.

Please note that any Motion being presented this year must not have been presented and defeated at Annual Conference within the last three years. The list of Motions to be presented to Annual Conference will be published on the DPF website no later than May 19th 2023 for members information.

To assist you the Motions, and results, for 2020, 2021 and 2022 are on the DPF website:

Emergency Motions will be accepted from the floor of Annual Conference on the day. Motions will also need to be proposed and seconded to be heard.

Should you require any advice or assistance regarding Motions please contact your respective Area Secretary as listed below:

Northern Area Secretary – Karen McKeown


Tel: 07969 923 312

Southern Area Secretary – Paul Hunter


Tel: 07989 553 420


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