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The next Annual General Meeting & Reunion will be held at the King Robert Hotel, Glasgow Road, Stirling, FK7 0LJ from Monday 27th to Thursday 30th October 2025.

Please click here to download the booking form in PDF format.

Alternatively please click here to download the word version of the booking form (please note the form will appear in your devices ‘Downloads’ folder.

The 34th Annual General Meeting was held in the King Robert Hotel, Stirling 11th-14th OCTOBER 2024.

Minutes of the 34th MDP Retired Officer’s Association Annual General Meeting.

The 33rd Annual General Meeting was held in the Queen Hotel, Chester – 07th October 2023.

Please click here to read the minutes from the 2023 AGM.

The 32nd Annual General Meeting was held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Harrogate – October 2021.

Please click here to read the minutes from the 2021 AGM.

ROA News & Alerts

PSPC Briefing : HM Treasury launches consultation on Public Service pensions Cost-Cap mechanism

Please click below to view further details.


Financial support from The Charity for Civil Servants

Life throws up many challenges, and frequently they go hand in hand with money worries. Particularly at this current time, financial worries can be intertwined with fears around the pandemic.

The Charity can help with all sorts of financial issues, whether your income has suddenly reduced from job loss or ill health, or whether you’re unable to pay for essential items that need replacing. You may have taken the steps to leave a relationship and need to move on, or you may have lost someone and find it hard to cope financially, as well as struggling with bereavement.

They can’t promise to pay for everything you need, but they’ll work with you to understand what they can help with, and look at your individual needs in confidence and without judgement.

For further information about the many ways the Charity can help, take a look at their website or call to speak to an Adviser in confidence on Freephone 0800 056 2424

My Document Locator

The ROA has made available to members a 'My Document Locator' which is produced in the form of a booklet that can be used as a check list of personal documents that records where key personal records, assets and papers can be located in the event of death or incapacity. It is not a Will but simply a check list. The booklet can be downloaded by clicking here.

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