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Update – Universal Shift Pattern – Letter Before Claim

By DPF Admin21st November 2018March 5th, 2024Area Updates, Circulars, Latest News, Northern Updates, Southern Updates

To All Members

21st November 2018

Circular 39/18

This circular is issued to update our membership on the current position in relation to this matter.

The General Secretary and I have a meeting to discuss this and wider issues around staffing levels with our Minister, Tobias Elwood MP and with the Chair of the Police Committee, Sir Brian Burridge on the 27th November in London.

We requested these meetings on the 9thof November, after we had spent two days with the officers at AWE Burghfield as we believed this was an urgent matter, but this was the earliest we could see the Minister.

On 19thNovember we received, through our legal advisors, a response from the Force.  This is attached at Annex A.

This letter requests an extension to the deadline which was set for responding to your concerns, but also confirms that this implementation is now on hold, whilst these discussions take place.

Our response can be seen at Annex B, and we reluctantly accept the extension, but have asked why it is necessary.

We will, of course, keep you all updated as this progresses and are looking to issue a further circular after the meeting on the 27th.

Eamon Keating

National Chairman

ANNEX A – Acknowlegement to Thompsons Solicitors – Letter before Claim

ANNEX B – Letter of Response to MDP

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